Welcome to our first blog as Repower, a story about personal and professional development, an insight into how welcoming change brings the most amazing possibilities. Learning new skills, new routines and how to stick to good habits is a proven way for us to take back control and autonomy over our wellbeing. This leads to success in our short and long-term goals, moves us from stiff to supple, with peace in our mind, and of course achieving that higher quality of life for the long haul.
This rebrand has evolved from a very personal space with tried and tested strategies I use to overcome challenging stages in both my personal and professional life, as well as from the modern changing needs of all my clientele.
I am grateful to all our clients for sharing your life stories with me over the years, and most importantly for sharing the strategies you have used to overcome obstacles and move forwards in your own lives. This is a huge part of the reasoning behind my innovation and rebrand. What I have witnessed is that working on physical health alone, does not solve the physical pains and problems. It takes a wholesome approach and a deep dive inward to find the specific source and bespoke needs of each individual to improve ailments like back pain, stiff hips, neck and shoulder tension, manage chronic illness and the stress in our lives, and of course gaining the knowledge of how to age gracefully. Putting the work in to become stronger each day in body and mind, understanding the strategies that work to become unstuck, as well as prepare for desirable longevity ahead. I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to get to know our clientele and our community of like-minded individuals. We are all on the same journey, learning from one another each and every day.
This has been a long thought process as I worked through my own Repower journey to wellbeing and happiness in every aspect of my life. The Repower journey was formed from the steps I desperately needed to take to turn my business around from being closed during Covid to back open with success, better strategies, less stress and more time with my children. It is about the wholesome approach I took to look after my own wellbeing. In the most turbulent time of my life, the pandemic seemed like the least of my worries. Throughout the last 3 years I could not neglect my own wellbeing, it was too risky. How could I manage the challenges, the setbacks and the uncertainty. If I had chosen not to focus on my physical and mental strength, to fill my cup, how could I encourage my children, and my clientele to dream big? I could not give up.
Listening to the clever but uncomfortable signs and symptoms and putting time into our body and mind is the key to being robust and resilient. Knowing that life and achievements are not linear, it is essential to prepare ourselves with strength in all our systems, being able to tackle whatever comes our way. I have a deep interest in life stories. I am an empath who feels emotions right through my being, one of those annoying people who sees the sunny side up, knowing there is a solution, and if I cannot find one, I create one. That is exactly what I did. As the saying goes “She believed she could, so she did”.
Feeling the need to bridge the gap between GPs and gyms, and simplify the wealth of health information out there, my experience with modern needs helped me to create Repower to provide a clear plan for sustainable well-being. I am delighted that you are part of this, and as a reader, previous or current client, I sincerely thank you for encouraging me on this journey. I am taking one big sigh of relief that we, as a business are not just still here, but that we are still here making improvements to support you, and ourselves, in wholesome health and happiness.
Working in the health sector since 1999 my original aim was to sustain physical health and reduce the impact of pain and pathologies. Post pandemic and in more recent years so much has changed with wellbeing. It is evident that new challenges are faced by all. We have questions we want answers to, and we feel the need to take control of our own health and stress more. A new health intervention was needed. A preventative approach with less medication and less hospital visits. A multi-approach to improve movement and wellbeing while unlocking what really matters to each individual. Now with demand for wholesome healing and an opening to guide the gap between physical and emotional wellness, my new brand Repower was created.
Repower is about taking charge of you. It creates clarity around wellbeing to sustain long-term health using three simple steps - Rethink body & mind, Restore movement & function, Recharge vitality & flow, to support happiness in life, work, sport, hobbies and relationships. We then rinse and repeat. This is the wellbeing journey to Repower, how we reclaim that spring in our step, physically and mentally, to the very best of our ability.
My original Remedy brand is about how we can help your body heal and function better, this idea will always be a part of our ethos. Repower encourages you to move forward and take ownership of your body and mind, learn the tools to move forwards with your goals and dreams, and succeed in having long term sustainable health and happiness.
I am so grateful to you, and all my determined clients who show up for yourselves every single day, in nourishing your own body and mind and sharing your journey with me. I learn new tactics from every engagement with you. Coincidentally this blog, and unleashing Repower is being written at the very same time as I finally secure a home! These are more amazing pieces in my life puzzle, and I am grateful, blessed and feel so aligned with my goals and dreams. I know there are more exciting things to come and that the best years yet are ahead of me. Thank you for reading our first blog. I am looking forward to supporting and hearing all about your own Repower journey. Please get in touch with me and let me know how life is going for you.
Rachael Davis