Encourage wellbeing in your workplace with our Repower plan and find out what you and your workforce can do for a productive happy team that thrives with success. Maximise the input into your team to maximise the output.
Our vision is wholesome wellbeing with autonomy in preventing pain and pathologies for optimal health and wellness.
At Repower we create clarity around wellbeing needs in 3 simple steps for long term sustainable health and happiness in life, work, hobbies, sport and relationships.
Step 1. Rethink Body & Mind
Step 2. Restore Movement & Function
Step 3. Recharge Vitality & Flow
What can we do for you and your team?
Bespoke injury prevention plans
Tailored health & strength workshops
Solutions for stress & sleep management
Optimum wellbeing & performance strategies
Studies show an estimated 32% of workers are still absent from work at 1 month after an episode of back pain with long-term work absence in an estimated 7%.
The estimated 32% not back at work at 1 month are at a crucial point for intervention to prevent long term work absence.
Wynne-Jones G, Cowen J, Jordan JL, et al. Absence from work and return to work in people with back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014;71:448-456.
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